RISE are running a UK-wide competition for all final year undergrad and masters student projects, in the area of hardware & embedded systems security. Download the entry form, complete and email back to info@ukrise.org.

Competition Details
When is the competition running?
The competition is running during the 2021-2022 academic year (to qualify your project will have been completed between 1st Sep 2021 and 31st Oct 2022). Here are the important dates;
21st March 2022: Competition opens for submissions.
4th Nov 2022: Deadline for entries.
2nd Dec 2022: Winners of competition will be announced at the RISE Annual Conference, website, and social media channels.
Who can enter the competition?
Competition is open to all final year undergrad and masters’ students attending any UK university. The project theme needs be related to the fields of hardware or embedded systems security.
What do I need to do to enter?
All you need to do is download the entry form, and then fill in an abstract and summary of your project (max. 5k words). You may also include a single link to an online accessible video or presentation e.g. YouTube link or PDF slides. This presentation should be no more than 5 min.
How will the competition be judged?
A judging panel will be appointed to review the project entries and determine the winners.
What are the Prizes?
We will be offering prizes for entrants to the competition and at this stage can guide on the main prizes to be offered.
1st Prize: Your choice of MacBook Air or Surface Book 3. Plus £250 Amazon voucher.
2nd Prize: Your choice of iPad Air or Surface Laptop Go. Plus £150 Amazon voucher.
3rd Prize: Apple Watch SE. Plus £100 Amazon voucher.
Note: We may also offer an alternative prize, similar in value and in agreement with the winner, should the prize not be available at that time, or if winner already owns the tech being offered.