RISE hosted a Spring School at  WYNG Gardens, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, on 28-29 March 2018. The final programme of speakers and videos of their presentations are now available here.
RISE Director, Máire O’Neill, promotes the new Research Institute at the Real World Crypto Symposium, Zurich, Jan 2018, with approx 600 delegates in attendance.    
A £5m multi-university Research Institute to improve hardware security and reduce vulnerability to cyber threats has been launched at the Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT), Queen’s University Belfast. Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE) is one of four cyber security institutes in the UK and will be a global hub for research and innovation in hardware security over the next five years. Cyber threats RISE will tackle the global problem of cyber threats through four initial component projects,